Also on Saturday, I finally got some socks meant for flats, which I've been needing forever, as well as a luggage set for only 99$ from JC Penney. I'm not sure about the dimensions of the luggage versus what we are allowed to have, but the set came with three suitcases as well as a large duffel bag, so I should be okay.
Yesterday, Mariah and I went shopping again, searching for boots. I found some awesome rain boots, which is what I need for the typhoon weather over in Korea. I wanted brown leather ones, but there's just no such thing for a reasonable price that actually has support. But these rain boots, My feet felt good in them! Which is not ordinarily the case for rain boots either. So I got them! And for only 32$ too. Awww yeah. I also got some long black socks to wear with them.
The last pair of shoes I needed was just some black flats, and I found the perfect pair at Clarks. I'm trying them out today... I'm still not sure how I feel about them though. I might have to bring a different pair, because even though the sole is ultra-comfy, the fact that it's leather rubbing against the top of my feet and ankle.. It's not fun to walk in. So I will have to keep wearing them, see if they wear in a little or not.
Last but not least, I found a teal cardigan! Teal is the best color ever (its going to be one of my wedding colors I've decided) and I FINALLY own something in it! Whooohoo.
The search is still on for a good, warm, raincoat. I actually found a very cute pruple one at Nordstrom's yesterday, but I didn't get it because my aunt wasn't sure it was warm enough, and also I already have purple shoes, so if I had a different purple jacket, it wouldn't match. But mann... I hope I find another one like that, cause it looked good :)
Okay, enough about clothes and my shopping trips! Well for now at least... lol
There will be pictures. I promise.