Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Can't have too much Mission

I have now made a blog only for mission-related things! I have another blog for other everyday thoughts of mine (, but I realized that even before my mission I'm going to have a ton to say about the topic, so I may as well make my mission blog now!

This way not only are my letters written home on here, but also all the thoughts I had before I even left as I'm preparing for it! Great idea right? I thought so too.

For background information, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I love it. This is the reason I have chosen to serve a mission telling others about the gospel in a foreign land for a period of 18 months. I leave on May 29th of this year, and you'll find out where I'm going below :)

Here's the first post after I received my call (initially posted on my other blog Sunday, February 3):

Wait, WHERE??

I have officially not kept my resolution to blog every week, seeing as how it's been three weeks since my last one. I have definitely thought about it though, so that should count right? But I can't NOT blog today, seeing as how I just found out what I'm going to be doing for the next two years of my life. !!

This past week, I was anxiously waiting for my mission call to come in the mail, and it almost drove me crazy! Since I live in Provo, mission calls usually arrive from Salt Lake by Wednesday. So I had my roommate check the mail, but it didn't come. I was pretty disappointed, but figured it was late because of the crazy snow we had that week. So I cancelled my call party and hoped it would be here on Thursday. 

Thursday came, and went. No call. By now I'm just a wreck, not able to concentrate on anything. Of course everyone is asking if I got it or where I'm going, and I just feel like crying as I tell them I don't know yet. 

As Friday rolls around, I'm feeling a little dejected as I check the mail. But it CAME! I ran inside and immediately opened it, had to read it three times before I really believed what I read, and then immediately tried to get a hold of my parents. However, my mom is in Oklahoma with my brother, and neither of the phones I called worked. So I'm sitting here without anyone to tell, or any way to tell, and I'm bursting! My brother finally answered his phone, but said he is at work, and he doesn't know when he will be back home, so I have to WAIT to tell ANYONE because I wanted my mom to be the first to know. 

My roommate came home, but I still couldn't tell her until my mom called which was pure torture for both of us. Finally my mom called at 7:30 pm (that's three hours after I opened my call) so I was able to reveal where I was going! I then proceeded to tell her and everyone else I came in contact with that I'm going to the...

Korea Busan Mission!!!
I cannot even wrap my mind around it. Everything about it is completely different from anything I have ever experienced or even wanted to experience: language, culture, people, food, weather, religion, everything! I'm freaking out! 

One thing that really gives me comfort, in assuring me that this is not completely random, is the fact that my dad has been to Korea before and even learned a little Korean himself. He was able to tell me that knowing Spanish really helps in writing how to pronounce Korean since Spanish vowels don't change like English vowels do. So that's great! At least I'll kind of be able to use it while I'm there. 

I have so many more thoughts going on in my head, but I'll save them for another day. Expect that the next couple posts will be related to this topic!

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