Dear family,
Can you believe that I've already been in the MTC for a month?! Time flies by so differently here! I'm sure everyone has heard this a thousand times, but a perfect way to put it is that in the MTC "the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days." It's so true!
I hope everyone got to watch the World-wide broadcast this past Sunday! If not, make sure you go online and watch it! It was fantastic. I know that missionary work is very dependant on the members working with the missionaries to find those who are ready to hear and accept the gospel. With members, the missionaries are just walking blind! With the flood of missionaries heading out into the field, it's even more important that every member be a missionary. I challenge each and every one of you to mention the Gospel to a friend every day. By doing so, you can and will open more doors than you will even realize.
It was really neat to see the advancements happening in the church. The fact that the church works with technology now--so cool! It was very interesting to be sitting in the broadcast (I was in the choir, and supposedly showed up on the screen a couple times) and be watching videos from our prophet and apostles. Mom, (and Caom) if that Oklahoma area was indeed the are you fasted for, that is the coolest thing I've ever heard! Well, it's still the coolest thing even if it wasn't the same. I'm so glad that you experienced the blessings of fasting in such a powerful and obvious way!
Another cool thing with technology: our Tuesday devotional was by ... this is really sad but I can't remember her name. She wrote the Army of Helaman, and pretty much every other Primary Song you've ever loved (I am a Child of God, A Child's Prayer, Love at Home, etc.). She was able to have us sing a medley of five different Primary songs, which was really neat. And then at the very end, we got to sing her very newest rendition of a duet between Army of Helaman and Sisters of Zion. That was the best thing ever, to be in a group of 3,000ish missionaries, singing a missionary song with both an Elder and Sister part. The spirit was bursting out of every one of our hearts!
The language is still coming, I'm doing much better at remembering the forms we learn. We just got a scary speaking challenge yesterday, to proselyte to someone everyday for the rest of our MTC stay. But it will help us so much because we will have to proselyte pretty much right of the plane in Korea!
So guess what?? Yesterday, I ran 2 1/2 miles nonstop for the first time in my whole entire life! I am so proud of myself. Now I feel like a very tired beast. But I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, that end of the tunnel being my goal to run a triathlon before i die. It might actually be possible! Awww yeah.
Mom, I hope you are alright! I was not happy to hear that you had gotten my cold! At least you feel better now right? And dad is coming home this next week!! How ecstatic are you?? Make sure you give him a big hug for me!
I have seen Elder Allen Nelson multiple times, and I just heard Sister Sydney Baldridge's voice! But I haven't gotten to see her yet, she was gone by the time I ran out the door. I am searching for her everywhere!
I tried to attach some pictures, but failed in figuring out how to do it, so I will try again next week!
I love you and wish I had time to write more. I am having a blast as I get to know my Savior and Heavenly Father more and more each day. I know that each and every person on this earth can know their Father, and he will help them through any trial! Read the Book of Mormon everyday with a question in your heart, and it will be answered! I have received multiple big answers in the past week, so I know it's true! Write letters!
Sister Christina Segovia