Hello wonderful parents! And a shout out to all others who are reading this email. :)
It's my first P-day! I think it's awesome that our districts P-day is on Friday, it just makes the week seem more normal, since Friday's were usually my break days before. It's great that they still are!
We have to teach our first lesson to an "investigator" in all Korean TODAY! My companion and I are sooo nervous, so we are going to be planning that for the rest of our free time. We also get to go to the temple later this evening, which will be a great relaxer and give us a chance to clear our mind and get in touch with the Holy Spirit more.
I have loved the atmosphere here! Especially because everyone is so friendly to the new missionaries. You get a bright pink dot on your name tag the first day, so everyone can know you are new, and practically everyone is saying hello and welcome to the MTC. You can take the dot off after the first day, but I'm determined to keep mine on until Sunday, even though everyone keeps telling me I can take it off. But I just love how everyone is so nice to you when you have it on! I still get welcomed all the time by people :)
And I have been able to see so many people that I know! I've seen people from my previous BYU wards, classes, and work. Though I don't think I'll ever see Mariah because she no longer actually lives on the MTC campus, but was moved to the recently added housing across the way.
One really interesting thing that I've noticed here: even those that I'm pretty sure I've never met before all look familiar! It's so weird, like I can't figure out if I HAVE met them before. But then I remember that they didn't look familiar when I first met them, it's just that I feel like I've known them forever. I'm not sure why, but it's the most interesting thing.
One really interesting thing that I've noticed here: even those that I'm pretty sure I've never met before all look familiar! It's so weird, like I can't figure out if I HAVE met them before. But then I remember that they didn't look familiar when I first met them, it's just that I feel like I've known them forever. I'm not sure why, but it's the most interesting thing.
My companion is great; she seems very responsible. Her name is Sister Bussio, and she is from Provo and went to BYU for the past two years as well. She is majoring in History (the old stuff like Greek and Roman) and knows Greek and Latin. She could translate those mythology stories I learned about last semester! So cool. We haven't completely connected yet, but we are definitely getting there! Neither of us are the super girly type, so we aren't like doing each other's hair or screaming in high pitches about little things haha and both of us are definitely not used to having someone with us all the time. but I'm excited to get to know her!
So, I lost my CTR ring my very first day--so typical of me right? haha Also, I'm not sure if you found it or not, but I think I must have left my sea-greenish shirt at home, because I can't find it in my luggage anywhere. If I did leave it home, that makes me sad! That was one of my favorites :(
Well, there's lots more to tell, but that would result in a mile-long email, so I'll just keep it the half-mile that it is. :D I love you both, Mom and Dad! Also, I love all of the family, and my awesome friends! Have a fantastic week!
Sister Christina Segovia
We love you 2!! Hope I did this right! love, Mom
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