Thursday I will have officially been here for a month! I did the
math this past week and found out that I will also be 1/6 of the way
done with my mission. That's unbelievable! 18 months actually is a
super short time period, and I can't let it run away without me!
So a couple interesting things that I wanted to tell you about:
seafood and guitars. About seafood, I actually have discovered that
it's not that bad! I'm not to the point that I LOVE it yet, but I can
eat it without hesitation now. And also, salted seaweed is the best!
We ate that with plain rice for quite a few days in a row cause we are
poor missionaries who can't afford anything haha. Actually it's pretty
sad how expensive the fruit is here; it's way too expensive to
actually buy. So that's what I pig out on whenever we eat with
The other thing I wanted to mention is how awesome my name is.
Everyone always comments on how pretty it is. And when I was in the
States, everyone always asked if I knew about the famous guitar player
with Segovia as his name, and I still can't get away from it even in
Korea! Now everyone asks me if I know that it's a famous guitar brand.
So pretty much I should have played guitar from when I was a baby.
So this past week has been a crazy time. I am learning so much about
myself. And we now have TWO investigators! The work is growing growing
growing! And what's amazing about this investigator is that she
contacted us in order to learn English. Our first meeting with her we
told her about how we have programs for Young Women and how the gospel
has blessed our life. And guess what she said? She started telling us
about her niece who is having a really rough life, and she wanted us
to start teaching her English and introduce her to the church. And
apparently (I didn't understand any of this when it happened) she said
it wasn't coincidence that we met her, and she would even want her
niece to serve a mission when she is older! :D. So we are hoping to be
able to contact her niece this week.
Also, yesterday we had a baptism for a Brother in Sachon ward, and
they came to Jinju to do it because they don't have a baptisimal font.
The baptism was wonderful. And my trainer found out that two of her
old investigators have a baptisimal date! I am so happy for them.
Baptism is a joyous thing! However, even more important than baptism
is helping new members to stay strong in the church. There are so so
so many inactives here, and it's really discouraging to see. That's
where the ward comes in! Without support from the ward, most new
members will be discouraged and leave. So it's so important to become
friends with them.
So mom, I have a request. This past week I was super worried about you
and dad and all my family back home. I love and miss you all so much!
I was able to find comfort from my trainer and the scriptures, and my
trainer suggested that I ask you to get a blessing. It seems really
weird to ask, but it really would help me to be comforted while I'm so
far away. I care about you all with all my heart, and know that God
can and will protect you. <3
Also, I would love to receive Sister Mariah Johnson's weekly emails!
The two that you sent me earlier really helped me out. I miss her
So I don't have a scripture prepared to share, though I have had so
many awesome learning experiences with the scriptures this past week.
Intead I will just bear my testimony that I know we all have been
given the ability to accomplish all that God has asked of us:
spiritually, physically, and mentally. Any struggle that we have is
indeed making us stronger. As we rely on God, He will help us through
any and all challenges. We have such magnificent potential, and will
never know until we do!
I love you all and miss you dearly. Write letters! I finally received
a letter, so I've found out it takes about two weeks to get to Korea
and another week to actually get to my apartment. It's fun to get
letters though! :D
Lots of Korean Love,
Sister Christina Segovia
And here's the address for sending a package:
Sister Christina Feliza Segovia
Korea Busan Mission
(1/2) 1039-1 Oncheon 2-dong
Busan-gwangyeoksi 607-602
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