Monday, May 26, 2014

Guess what time of mission it is??‏

Sooo.......   did you guess right? Three days from now is a very important day. It is indeed my YEAR MARK out on the mission! Can you believe it! I've been gone for a whole year! My first day in the MTC seems like a lifetime ago, but at the same time I can remember it so clearly, like it was just yesterday. Who would have thought it could go so fast? And I'm sure the next 6 months will fly by like two minutes. 

This past week was actually pretty slow compared to the past two weeks... Which was a bit of a bummer. It was the first week of the new transfer, but only one person changed in our district. Elder Min became AP, and Elder Laney came in. And My last companion Sister Choi Yein went home last week! :( I'm going to miss her so much. I hope someday you will get to meet her!

Oh my goodness I have to tell you about members that we visited the past week. They are this couple with two young kids, and the wife served a mission in Seoul. She said that she baptized someone every single month of her mission! That is amazing! It's not that way anymore... I sure wish we could get it back up to that point again. And her husband, holy cow, he served in the Guam mission! And he was actually the FIRST missionary from Korea to serve foreign, and at the time he served there, Guam was the third hardest mission. He didn't speak a lick of English, but decided to still go. On his mission he learned English so he could talk with his mission president, the language of the main island of Guam, then the language of another island he got transferred to, and THEN Mandarin Chinese to teach Chinese investigators. His story was so amazing to listen to; I was mind-blown the entire time. So cool!

So one miracle that happened was that we got to meet with a less active that we were unable to meet with for the past month, and helped her see that she DOES need to make church a priority. Now it's just a matter of her acting on that knowledge... 

And actually we have had quite a few other miracles where we meet people that we can teach, but all of them were referrals to other missionaries. It's kind of frustrating to see all these cool things happen but not even get to see the results. But I guess it doesn't matter, as long as those people are able to learn the gospel. :) I'll give one story that happened as we were doing a district activity. We were doing a survey, where we ask them what they think about us missionaries (like what age we are, how much money we make, etc.) and then tell them what we do. And it's SO easy to give Book of Mormons out like crazy. The Elders gave a Book of Mormon to one young lady, and she went into the cafe right there and immediately opened it up and started reading it! We were all trying to see through the window the whole time, but it caught us by surprise when she came out and immediately walked up to one of us and asked, how do we get salvation? Her question was actually sincere too! ahhh so amazing. She may turn into a golden investigator. :D

We are hopefully going to meet with the Philippina today, so pray for her! I'll end here, and hope the next week is full of more miracles!

Love you all! -- Sister Segovia

Interesting Fact: Maybe this is in the US but I've certainly never seen it before... But they have grape yogurt. Like even with chunks of grape in it. Weird, but good.

"God shall wipe away all tears" - Revelation 7:17
So I've been studying Revelation for the past couple weeks, and it is SO fun. There definitely is a lot of stuff that I don't understand, but when I do understand, it's so exciting! So many times I will have a thought about what something could mean, and then as I continue to study, I find that I was right! It's really cool to be able to see how Heavenly Father is guiding my thoughts as I study His word, even the confusing stuff like John's vision. :)

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