So we are pretty happy about that, and also there's more to tell about the stuff that's really important--missionary work!
So this past week was pretty busy, because we've been planning a program that we want to do in a couple weeks with our members, in order for them to feel a little but more connected to the cause of getting our investigators to become committed. We want to do a two-week program where they read certain passages from the scriptures, General Conference, and PMG every day, and then the two weeks will end right on Fast Sunday so that all of the members can do a big fast for our investigators next Fast Sunday (first of the year!). It should be really great, if we can get the support of the members for it. :D
So yes, we've been trying to make appointments with all of the members, but everyone was busy and the odds weren't looking so great. But this past Sunday we randomly got invited to come to dinner at a member's home that hardly ever invites us over, and another family came too, so it was a perfect time to introduce everything, and it was soo fun to talk with them. The two mother's had served their mission together, so you can imagine how fun that would be to listen to their conversations. :)
Also we have were finally able to make quite a few appointments with the members, including a member who's baby is due next week. We were way surprised by that invitation, and wonder what will happen...... haha
Anyway, so the members are great, and the investigators are even better! We were able to meet with the investigator that is our age this week, and it was a miracle. Such an amazing person.
She has been reading the Book of Mormon pretty consistently, usually one chapter per week. But this past week when we met, she had read FOUR chapters, all about Nephi's dream, and she was able to understand and apply it really well. We asked her if she thought that Nephi could be a real person, and she replied that the Book of Mormon was a record of his life, so he must be real, right? Wow. Then, we taught about the Gospel of Christ, and how there were certain steps she can take in order to return to God. She took it so well, and when we asked if she would prepare to take those steps, she said isn't that what I'm already doing with you? Again, wow. She was more prepared than even we thought she was.
So yes, the miracle of the week, and the joy of my mission: Sister Lee has a baptismal date for the end of this month! It was so amazing how happy we felt after that lesson. Especially because when we first started meeting with her, she didn't know anything about God or religion, having only gone to church once when she was a tiny kid. And yet not, she is so willing to do anything required to return back to our Father in Heaven. She is amazing!! Such a sweet spirit. <3<3<3
Yep, that's how I'll end. It's the perfect ending in my opinion. :D
I love you all, and will be seeing you soon!!
Sister Segovia
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