Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rain Day

So you all know that today is my P-day... And once again, it is raining! It seems that almost every P-day since I've been in this area has rained. The thing that's weird about it is that the rest of the week there's not even a hint of rain, and then it jumps up on us when we're most excited to go out and have fun. My companion pointed out something ironic... In Korean, the word for rain is pronounced like P, so when we say P-day now, we are thinking "rain-day" haha! 

But even in the rain, we can still have fun! Which we are planning to. As far as this past week, we have seen a lot of great things happen! We were able to meet with all of the investigators I told you about last week, and they are still doing great. :) Keep praying for them in their progress! 

There's actually not a ton to say this week, as it was just a week where we keep going forward and working hard and are still waiting for the results. Something we did decide to work on for the next coming weeks is our relationship with the members. We realized that this past month we have been so busy with investigators that we kind of forgot to keep working hard with the members too, so our relationship isn't the greatest right now. So we are starting to work really hard to show them our love, because members are an important link in missionary work! There really can't be success without them :) 

Yeah... the week was good! Sorry I don't have a ton to say.. It's all going well though! I love you all. Mom you must have had so much fun with Caom's family! I love them so much, and miss them a lot! Thanks for the email from Cami :) <3 and I hope Dad was okay at home on his own! :D

Love you!! 
Sister Segovia

Interesting Fact of the week:
I can't remember exactly when we learn algebra in schools... But it's not till middle school right? I just found out this week that Korean students are required to learn algebra when they are NINE years old! Talk about stress at a young age! Wow. No wonder Koreans are so smart!

Lastly and definitely not least, the biggest learning moment for me this week:
My companion, Sister Kim Yeji, had her very first talk in church as a missionary. :D She told the story from Elder Bednar's talk in General Conference, about his two sons. After the younger brother got a small injury, the older brother proceeded to clean and bandage him up. He used methods he had seen from his parents, first putting a big load of soap on the brother's arm, then using a full tube of soothing medicine for the small cut, and finishing off with bandages all up and down the boy's arm. He certainly didn't do anything perfectly, and perhaps others would have said he did a mess of a job. And yet, he did his BEST, and because of that, the younger brother felt the love and wanted to help others too. When I thought of this story, I realized that I am in no ways perfect, but if I'm doing my best, it's okay! Yeah I make lots of mistakes and sometimes I make a mess of things, but God knows when I'm trying my hardest and He will bless me for it. And others will be able to feel that too and be affected for good. It's not about how we do it, but about how much we tried.

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