Monday, February 10, 2014

"I'm trying hard not to resist the joy"‏

So there's this song playing right now which that line came from, and I thought it really applied to me right now. :) 

This past week was pretty incredible. We were able to meet with all of our investigators, and even got permission to teach the son of one investigator. His father is a member, the mother is our investigator, and so we are going to be starting the lessons with him officially! 

Also, yesterday at church two new people who had been referred came to church, so we will be trying to meet with them in the next couple of weeks and see how that goes! 

So this week we went on exchanges, and it was super fun because our Sister Training Leader is in my 동기 (we were in the MTC together)! I stayed in our area with her, and my companion went with her companion, who she had already been companions with. So it was a really fun reunion. And I absolutely love exchanges because I really do learn so much from them. It's great to get different perspectives from outside sources, because sometimes looking at your own life or your own area, it's hard to know what to change. 

Another eventful thing that happened this week was we got to go ICE-skating! It was a blast! We went on Saturday for our youth activity, which quite a few of the youth came to. And it was great that we got the chance to go, because most places like that are closed on our P-day. So, interesting fact is that ice-skating rinks in Korea are much more strict on safety. You have to wear helmets and gloves, and when there's lots of people, no holding hands. But still, I love ice-skating even though I'm terrible at it. I want to go again!

K, I've got to go so I love you so much!

Sister Segovia

P.S. If you know the SUPER popular Korean song "Gangnam Style", my companion is from 강남 (Gangnam) :D 

"Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." - 1 Cor. 8:1
I have been studying a lot of knowledge and charity lately, and I really like this scripture. Sometimes, when we have a lot of knowledge, we do tend to get a little prideful. But when we have charity for everyone around us, then we use that knowledge to help others and edify them. :)

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