Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It's the Newsies!‏

So I may not be an orphan selling newspapers, but I've sure got news for you! 

Our transfer just ended and a brand new transfer is begun. The past transfer was actually changed to just be 5 weeks instead of six, and this next one will be seven to make up for it. The reason for this peculiar change? Our mission president is leaving and the NEW president arrives this next week! So the Gilberts closed the transfer and the new president and sister Barrow will start serving at the end of this week. Weird. We just got back from traveling to Busan for transfer meeting (our mission gathers all of the transferring missionaries into one spot and the mission president talks with them, then we all head back home with our new companions) and pretty much the whole mission came in to say goodbye to our beloved mission parents. And also, 13 other amazing missionaries are returning home, including Elder Charles whom I was just serving with, and Sister Freeman, my follow-up trainer. So much change in the mission this next transfer!

And that's not even mentioning the huge amount of change my area has just gone through. So we originally had 6 missionaries, but FOUR of them just transferred out. Including Sister Ellingson, my companion! We were surprised about that because she only has this next transfer left before she goes home. But yeah, she left and now I have a Korean companion, SIster Lee Subin. :D So pretty much I have no clue what this next transfer will be like, probably drastically different from before.

But actually, this past week we had some great miracles! Some happy, some a little sad, but all miracles. 1. We were able to clearly figure out which investigators we will have to stop meeting and who actually still have potential. It's sad to have to drop investigators, but it's a miracle that we were able to so clearly see it before the new transfer started. 2. We met with two investigators that we hadn't been sure about before, but this past week BOTH of them said something along the lines of "I've been thinking that I need to come to church." Which seriously, we never would have thought. And it was amazing because the lessons that we planned really were what they needed to be able to realize and tell us that. So we will be working hard to get them to actually come! 3. We have a baptismal date! And this baptism actually will happen, I'm sure. She is family of a member, and has been coming to church for a while, and we were able to finally teach her again. And I think she really likes us now, since we gave her an apple pie this past week :)

I love this area so much! I'm sad to see my old companion go, but I know that this next transfer will be awesome! I have a feeling I'm going to ave to do a lot of growing too. It's all for the cause of my Savior, so I say bring it on! I love you al so much! Have a wonderful week. :)

Sister Christina Segovia

P.S. Mom and Dad, I got both the memory card and the debit card! Thanks for sending it to me! <3

Interesting Fact: Pie is not common in Korea at all. We can't even find a round pie pan, so we just used a normal pan. We made 4 pies this past week, and I am officially pro at making simple apple pie, even without measuring! haha mom would know how terrible I am without measuring cups.

"I will trust, and not be afraid." - 2 Nephi 22:2
I was really quite nervous for this next transfer the past couple days, but I realized that it all just comes down to how much I trust God. If I know that He's guiding what's happening down here, then there's no problem! I'm determined to do everything I can to do what He is trying to help me do.

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