Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mosiah 3:19 "As a child"‏

Wow, you are about to hear the biggest miracle in the world. At least in my world. 

This past week on Tuesday we met a new investigator through tracting. Lately tracting (door to door proselyting) is NOT very effective, especially in Korea where they won't even open the doors but just yell at you that they already go to a different church. Because of this, I have actually only gone tracting once my whole mission, and that was just with my trainer so she could show me how ineffective it was. So I wasn't too excited when my branch president told us we should go tracting in his apartment complex. But, I thought about Sister Mariah Johnson's amazing experience when she went tracting, and decided it was worth a try. And man did God have something for me to learn. 

The very first building we started at, the third floor down, last door we were going to knock on of the night, an old lady and her daughter let us in. We were able to teach the Restoration, though at first the daughter was just talking about her church (she even invited us to come haha) as we were teaching, but when we got to the part where Joseph Smith saw God, she stopped any talk of her own church, so caught up in the story. She said that she has been trying to find God like that and wants to know how. We explained that she might not be able to see God like Joseph did, but she can know Him in the same way. We have seen her almost everyday since then, and she has a baptismal date for the 15th. :) :D It certainly has been a roller coaster of a week; it feels like a month has gone by! 

I've never taught an investigator like her before. She seriously is one of the purest people I've ever met, and my companion and I think of her when we read Mosiah 3:19. She has an illness that just makes her a little different, but I think that illness has been what made her so open and acceptive to the message. She is truly like a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, and full of love. She still has full capacity to think and choose for herself, and she is doing everything in her power to be able to get baptized, even though her family doesn't approve. And she understands the Book of Mormon so well, even able to apply it to her own life before we even taught her how! It was so cute, because after we first gave the Book of Mormon we asked her what she was going to do that night and she was like "Well it looks like I will be studying the Book of Mormon" :) <3 

Basically she is a little (or big) gift from God, and I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father allowed us to find her. He was looking down at me and saying, "Watch this Sister Christina Segovia, I'll show you that my work can be moved forward through ANY method."

There was a lot of other pretty great things that happened this week too; it was so eventful that we have been quite exhausted the whole time! And the Phillipina looks like she will be very great! When we first taught her she said that she was really serious about finding out if this was true or not. We will be meeting her today! :]

Though I would love to tell you everything, I'll stop here and give you the continuation of the story next week! I know you are dying to know what happens--I am too! I love you all. 

Sister Segovia

Interesting Fact: So you have been asking how the language is coming, and actually it's going great! I wouldn't consider myself fluent, but I am still continuing to get better, so that's good right? Haha anyway an interesting thing about Korean is that the word that they use to say "Excuse me" actually translates to "I'm being rude." Such humble people :)

"The Earth was lightened with His glory" - Revelation 18:1
So true. The more the world knows about Christ, the lighter, happier, cleaner, and holier it gets. And though right now it seems as if it may be impossible to have the world full of light, when we start with those around us (especially ourselves) then it's that much brighter, until our own little sector shines with a radiance that others can't help but notice. Shine!

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