Monday, June 16, 2014

Hope is the Anchor of the Soul!‏

So, first off, I would like to apologize for my email last week, and how weak I was. Remember how I said I was without hope, but that I would be studying about it this week? Well, I have and did indeed learn so much about it! Not much has improved this past week from what I explained last time, but I have gained the hope that everything WILL eventually work out. It's all up to God, and just because I don't see results right now doesn't mean that He isn't watching over us every minute. One talk that I studied this week was "Brightness of Hope" by Elder Neal A. Maxwell.

Anyway, so yeah, we didn't have any baptism this past week, and it looks like it will be a little longer before we are able to have a baptism, but I think that we will be able to experience miracles next month for sure. Things are going slower than I wanted, but it's not about what I want right? We just got to keep going towards our goal, and it'll happen in the Lord's time. I certainly have people that I don't want anyone to give up on, so I won't give up on these people either! 

This past week I went on exchanges with one of the most amazing Sisters I've ever met, She really is a sincerely HAPPY Sister. It was amazing to serve with her for a day and see how she is affecting everything around her for good. :) 

Also, we were able to meet with the investigator (Sister Gang) who we had a member-lesson with last week, and we taught her about prayer. Whenever we had talked about prayer before, she didn't really feel any connection to it, but we found out that was because she hadn't fully understood it. We taught her again, and stressed that fact that prayer is more for US than anyone. That prayer doesn't change God's mind, but rather our own minds. Suddenly she understood just why we need to pray! So we are hoping that she will start!

So yeah, that's all from this side of the world. And HAPPY FATHER's DAY! I love love love my dad, that's for sure! <3 I hope you have a wonderful Father's week. Tell me all about it! 

I love all the rest of you too! :D
Love, Sister Segovia

Interesting Fact: So remember when I told you that they cover corn dogs in sugar (and ketchup)? Well, they actually like to do that a lot. This past week I also had tomatoes drenched in sugar, and also potatoes dipped in sugar too. The potatoes were delicious, but I really do just prefer tomatoes like they are :) 

"Whoso cometh in at the gate and climbeth up by me shall never fall." - Moses 7:53
One thing that we have learned in our mission is about how we are continually climbing up stairs, and at times it even seems as we are climbing up cliffs. When we are climbing cliffs it's those times that are the hardest, when we sometimes think we won't make it to the top. But if we have Christ as our belayer making sure that we don't fall, then we can climb even faster than we thought possible. And with no worries about whether or not we can do it!

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