Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So busy. full of miracles

Wow, this past week was inSANE. so busy. full of miracles. So much learned.

So last Monday was indeed the same holiday that I told you about a year ago! lol And you are right, we can't make appointments ourselves on holidays, but if we are invited then we can go. :) 

Remember the investigator that we had dinner with on Sunday and then she came to lunch at a members on Monday? Well then that same night she came to Family Home Evening and we all played Monopoly with another member. Then, on Tuesday we invited her to go with us to a museum that was doing some special displays and stuff for the holiday, so she came with us to that and we were able to teach her a lesson there. We weren't able to meet her again the rest of the week because we were so busy, but she had been invited by the members to come to church on Sunday. So Saturday night we called her and texted her about church but there was no answer.... Sunday morning her phone was off. So we were really disappointed. But we tried one more time 20 minutes before church started and she answered and said she would come! She arrived late, and actually ended up leaving early because something came up, but she came! I was so happy. :D

And we were able to meet with the kids of Rosalinda, the less active Philipine! It went really really well! They absolutely love us, and the second time we met with them, their friends were over and so we taught all six of them. We taught them about prayer, and invited them to church, which ALL of them wanted to come, including the friends! They weren't able to come yesterday, but we hope that we will be able to figure out a way for them to come next week. They are all super great; I love them so much!

Also, we did TWO exchanges this week, one with a brand new trainee and her trainer, and the other with a trainee that is almost done and her trainer that is going home next week. They were both really awesome. I stayed in the area and my companion went to the other area for both of them, so she was super exhausted. Actually, she didn't even get to sleep in her own bed for three nights in a row, because Wednesday was exchange, Thursday we went to sleepover in a different zone because we had a meeting early the next morning, and then Friday was another exchange. She was just dead by the end poor girl. 

Friday exchanges was crazy, because the Sister that is going home came to Gyeongju, where she had served before. So she called up a bunch of former investigators and we met with them. It was amazing! We hope that we can start developing a relationship with them again and perhaps they will come back. 

Anyway, this week was awesome! Nonstop go go go. That's what a missionary likes. :)

I'm glad to hear that Carla is safe from the earthquakes, and that Chelsea is feeling better. And dad got a new truck? What did he do with his old one? And I'm so sorry to hear about Juanita Valdivia's death, please give my love and respects to her family, and all of the Spanish branch! <3

I love you all!!! 

Sister Segovia

Interesting Fact: They use pretty much anything to make food. I didn't even realize it till this past week, but a lot of the little appetizer-type things that are in meals would be considered weeds in the US. Anything that is edible and a plant is a vegetable here pretty much. lol and I just learned about a tea that they drink that they make with the silk from corn. Really, they are so great about using every form of nutrients here. Mom would love it :]

We had Mission Conference this past week, where a Japanese Seventy came and spoke to us. It was so great! His wife spoke to us as well, and she was so adorable. Something she focused on was how important hard work is. She had us do a little dance to "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel" and said something I really liked. "Sometimes the harder you try, the harder it gets. That's how it's been even with the best of people." Personally, I have a tendency to want to be pretty lazy. But perhaps the whole pattern of life follows this.. the harder you try, the harder it gets, and yet the more capable you become. I know that through Christ and His Atonement, no matter how hard things get, we don't have to turn back. We CAN be strengthened to fulfill the task.

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