Sunday, January 5, 2014

Brand New Year!

Hello family! Sorry I'm writing this a little later than usual; we actually had time to just stay at home and rest today for P-day, so we took advantage.
I am so glad to hear that you got the package! I was nervous that it wouldn't get there, because I sent it the slow way. And I was also very glad to hear that you got it in time for Christmas! Perfect :) There should be one coming this next month sometime too, with a special prize that I found: Sherlock Holmes with the English and Korean translation side by side! I was estatic when I found it at a second-hand store.
All of the things that happened for the holidays sound amazing! Davis has a pet snake? :O woah... that sounds intense! And the ornament you recieved is a wonderful gift! I have some thanks to give to the 4th Ward young men. They sent me a Christmas card and package, with some pretty interesting presents. I'm sure I can use the toy soldiers and playdough for something! haha Also, I got a picture of the Jaramillo family; their son is so cute, and so big! Say hello and thank you to them for me :)
So this week was amazing as it was the start of a brand new year. We did indeed get to see the sunrise with our ward, and it was beautiful! We actually were supposed to wake up at 4am and go with Deshin ward, but I set the alarm wrong and we woke up late! But luckily our other ward, Kwejong (I don't know English spelling) was doing it close to our house so we booked it over there. We were on a beach, and there were some traditional Korean dancers and drummers, and they were giving out free rice-cake soup to everyone, which is traditional to eat on New Years (interesting Fact). After the actual sunrise we got to take a walk along the cliff and I got a ton of beautiful pictures. It was fantastic!
We also started putting our plan to strengthen the youth into action, having an activity on New Years as well as this past Saturday. We are going to be having an activity every week in the effort to help them invite frends. And Saturday turned out to be a success, so I think it may just work! We've got just two months before they have to go back to their rigourous school schedules (they have school on Saturday usually, but it's school break).
Also, we met with a new investigator this past week, and she is so amazing! Her heart truly does seem prepared. It was really interesting becuase usually with the English program, people will actively participate in the English but not show interest when we start the gospel discussion. But this lady was just as excited to learn about the church as she was to practice English. So I am so stoked to meet with her again tomorrow!
It was a very eventful week, and this next week will be super busy too! I love you all and hope to hear from you! It always brightens my day :) Thank you for everything you've done!
Sister Segovia
"Be His witness unto all men." - Acts 22:15
Though I am a missionary and this is my call, this is also everyone of our responsibilities. As the new year unfolds, remember that! Maybe some of your new years goals can invlove how you will stand as a witness of Christ. I know that as we show others what we know, we will become, as individuals and as a society, more prepared for His Second Coming.

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